Associated Links Many excellent organizations exist to assist you with your Occupational Health Management needs. We have listed a few of the most prominent here. For a thorough list of health management and related organizations, please see the Case Management Resources tab on the CMSA site. |
Home Occupational Health & Safety |
American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc. (http://www.aaohn.org) |
AAOHN, a 12,000 member professional association is dedicated to advancing and maximizing the health, safety, and productivity of domestic and global workforces by providing education, research, public policy, and practice resources for occupational and environmental health nurses. These nurses are the largest group of health care providers serving the worksite. |
The Reed Group, LTD. (www.rgl.net) |
Since 1981, Reed Group, Ltd. has provided new case management products and services to help employers, insurers, benefit administrators, and others manage the recovery and return to work of employees with medical disabilities. |
American Board for Occupational Health Nurses (http://www.abohn.org) |
The American Board for Occupational Health Nurses, Inc. (ABOHN) was established as an independent nursing specialty certification board in 1972. The purpose of ABOHN is to develop and conduct a program of certification for qualified occupational health nurses. ABOHN is a charter member of, and the COHN-S credential is approved by, the American Board of Nursing Specialists (ABNS), a national approval body for nursing specialty certification programs. ABOHN is the sole certifying body for occupational health nurses in the United States and awards to successful candidates three credentials, Certified Occupational Health Nurse (COHN), Certified Occupational Health Nurse - Specialist (COHN-S), and Certified Case Manager. Over 8,500 occupational health nurses have been certified by ABOHN. |
Nursing Degree Guide |
The most complete database of nursing programs accredited by the CCNE and NLNAC on the web featuring over 7,000 programs and NCLEX exam pass rates for most programs plus interviews with practicing nurses, expert articles, accreditation information and an informative blog. A completely free resource! |
Official Disability Guidelines |
Your source for ODG 2003, the first and only government-documented reference that gives complete return-to-work standards based on actual Lengths of Disability data from CDC (Center for Disease Control), OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) and NHDS Hospital Length of Stay. |
allnurses.com | A web site dedicated to Nursing Resources: Jobs, News, Books, and links to other Nursing sites. |